Investor Services

Anbac Advisors helps investment companies, MNCs, Investors, HNIs in due diligence, valuations and deal structuring and advising on legal and financial matters of a deal in the event of acquisition or merger or take-over, etc.
Investors require robust support in ensuring continuous monitoring of investee companies, which makes it easier to track performance, plug leakages, and maintain control over investee companies in the long run for better performance and valuation enhancement and value creation in the long run.
Investors require to analyse financial viability and feasibility of any company which is being analysed. Anbac Advisors helps in preparation of financial models for the prospective business and also determine its valuation.
Furthermore, legal compliance matters, and tax due diligence is another important aspect which needs to be considered in the finalization of acquisition or investment into startup or business project. Anbac Advisors has a team of CAs and lawyers who assist you in seamless execution of a transaction in such cases.